Cardinal Hickey Academy

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington School

A Catholic Montessori Preschool and Catholic Kindergarten ~ 8th Grade School

Cardinal Hickey Academy is a Pre-K through 8th grade Catholic School located in Owings, MD. Our location allows us to enroll students in Southern Maryland including Calvert and Anne Arundel Counties. Motivated by the teaching mission of the Catholic Church, our community is committed to providing an environment in which each child can achieve academic and personal excellence. In the spirit of truth and respect, our regional school cherishes the gift of faith and the joy of unselfish service in the tradition of Cardinal James Hickey.

Students at Cardinal Hickey Academy foster a personal relationship with Christ and His Church – in sacraments, prayer, and service. Service is an important piece of the CHA education experience. Even our youngest students participate in food drives and help raise money for those in need.


Interested in learning more about Cardinal Hickey Academy?

Click here to register to attend our Open House on April 2, 2025 at 9AM.